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Reiki Master Teacher


Cheri Roth is a Reiki Master Teacher of the Usui System of Natural Healing. She teaches Reiki more from a Contemplative approach and feels it is important to guide others to develop their own style. She discovered Reiki when her late husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor and continued her studies in Reiki after his death.


Her sessions are often a combination of hands on or above the body (depending on comfort level of client), with a light touch and gentle rocking movement. There may be some guided meditation, contemplative practices/prayer, and/or deepening questions asked to help the client listen below the noise of their life. If so led, the Reiki session could also focus around Grief Work. Most of the session is done is silence.



To Cheri, Reiki is a prayer method/technique, which she finds answers a call within her soul. She sees herself as an instrument – a conduit for God/Universal Energy to work through her for another person as she holds them in sacred space; whether in a hands on session or in sending Reiki Prayer to another; guiding their mind, body, and spirit to come into a quiet restful state.


“Reiki, along with Contemplative Practices, has reawakened my lifelong deepest desire to pray for others from a Sacred Space of Holding them in the Light and Letting Go of controlling the outcome!”- Cheri Roth






















1 Hour Reiki Session *

Price: $65

The focus in an hour Reiki session is helping to guide the Mind, Body, and Spirit to “Come to Quiet”. The intention is to create a healing space. This allows oneself time with God/Universal Energy to promote healing and wholeness.


* If looking to enhance the experience, Spiritual Direction or Integrative Reflexology could also be added as a part of the hour session.



1 1/2 Hour Reiki Combination Session *

Price: $95

The focus of this 1 1/2 hour session is to add another modality or two in helping to guide the Mind, Body, and Spirit to “Come to Quiet”. The intention is to create a healing space. This allows oneself time with God/Universal Energy to promote healing and wholeness.


* Spiritual Direction and/or Integrative Reflexology could also be added as a part of the 1 1/2 hour session.



2 Hour Reiki / Spiritual Direction Session *

Price: $125 

The intention of combining both modalities in one is to offer more time to take

what surfaces in a Reiki session and go deeper with it in the context of a

Spiritual Direction session.


* If looking to enhance the experience, Integrative Reflexology could also

   be added in during a Reiki session.




If you would like to schedule a session please contact Cheri at or call (717) 701-2003.





Some things to keep in mind:


  • Treatments/Sessions are done with clothes on.

  • Shoes usually come off, but socks can stay on.

  • Where comfortable clothing. 

  • A lot of people doze or move into a very relaxed state during a session and afterwards have a general feeling of wellbeing.

  • For your own benefit, it is best to make sure you schedule your appointment when you have free time, thus giving yourself the gift of rest and rejuvenation.

  • Reiki can “work on” a specific area, but in reality it is working on the “WHOLE BEING” (mind, body, and spirit).

  • Reiki should not be seen as a “quick fix” rather it helps us in letting go and opening to God’s/Universal Energy’s healing, in all forms. Thus, Reiki can even aid someone in the dying process to come to wholeness.

Reiki Sessions

Photograph by Cheri Roth

Schedule a monthly Reiki, Spiritual Direction, or Combination Session and receive $15 - 25 OFF each session. First, or initial, session will be at the regular price. To receive the discount you must schedule your next monthly appointment at each session.


      Discount applies as follows:


60 minutes          $65                                   $50

90 minutes          $95                                   $80               

120 minutes      $125                                $100

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