Cheri Roth is trained by The Grief Recovery Institute® as a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist® and has taken a course at Lancaster Theological Seminary on ministering to those who are dying and their families.
Combining this knowledge with her own firsthand experience of losing loved ones, she can tailor her Reiki, Spiritual Direction sessions or Retreats to help people process their own grief. Her hope is that this will allow the bereaved to let their loved ones and themselves move on.
“We all experience loss in our lives and we truly can find ‘Joy in the Mourning’ if we face our grief and grow from the experience it brings us!"
- Cheri Roth
Grief Work can be done in the context of a Reiki Session, Spiritual Direction Session, or a combination of a Reiki/Spiritual Direction. Occasional workshops will be offered which focus on Grief. Click on the following links for Spiritual Direction Sessions or Reiki Sessions.
If you are looking to work intently through your grief patterns or are searching for
help with how to talk with children about loss; you might want to check out
The Grief Recovery Method® One on One Program or
The Grief Recovery Method® When Children Grieve Program under
The Grief Recovery Method® page. Click here.
Redefining One's Life
The death of a loved one tends to change the direction of one’s life.
I have traveled roads I never dreamt I would journey on.
In the face of my late husband’s death, so many doors have closed
to me in the life I once lived. In processing through my own grief
and loss I have been redefining my life and my ‘new calling’ of
ministry to others.
Through years of ‘Being’ with people in their pain as a pastor’s wife
and in sharing a good pot of tea, I’ve discovered that the doors of
hospitality open to ‘BE’ with another. The hospitality of ‘Being Present’
with another sojourner of Life, leads both past formalities and into the
contemplation of the Spirit.
May you be open to the Blessings and all the Possibilities that surround
you each day, no matter where your day finds you! One by one, we can
make this world a better place when we start with ourselves!!
- Cheri Roth
A Meditation
Such JOY fills an old Rowboat
Meandering down a Winding Still River
On closer Observation
JOY is not Alone
For it is Bound
Hand in Hand
Arm in Arm
Life to Life
True JOY can never really be Experienced to its Greater Depths
If SORROW is not JOY’S Partner
Pain Consumes and is Relentless
It is only in Facing and Entering into the Rawness of SORROW
Can Release be Found in JOY
While we are Unsuspecting and Wallowing in our Pain
with All the Brilliant Colors of Life
Surprises us and Blesses us
With an Overabundance of JOY in Unexpected Places
It is a Mystery how these Two can Coexist
Yet all we can do is Hold both Gently
Cheri Roth 9/8/10 (written after a meditation on an Awakened Heart)